As human beings advance and our knowledge continue to develop, the reliance earth’s residents have on technology cannot be understated. Despite this, recent years have seen a spike in the usage of something that is very much natural, as opposed to man-made, and by that I’m referring to CBD – otherwise known as cannabidiol.
An organic compound that can be found in vast quantities across the globe, cannabidiol is already confirmed to house qualities that can be used for the treatment and betterment of mortal health and welfare. To find out more about CBD and the plant that it’s derived from, click here.
Whilst we do know a fair amount about the health properties it contains and the vast range of products, in both the wellbeing and industrial sectors, that stem from it, we’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what can be done and made possible with the green-giant.
Millions of pounds are being invested into studying the plant and the substances it produces, with research into CBD being traced way back into the 1940s, and in the 80 years since, few certainties are confirmed. One such fact is that the recommended universal dosage should be between 20 and 1,500 milligrams a day, but the most significant being that there are indeed health benefits associated with the usage of CBD. Below, you can find a compilation of quotes, from various health professionals, in regard to the usage of the substance and just what effects you can expect.

“It doesn’t have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes Marijuana is the only thing that works… It is irresponsible not to provide the best care we can as a medical community, care that could involve Marijuana. We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that.” – Dr Sanjay Gupta, Neurosurgeon
“I have found in my study of these patients that Cannabis is really a safe, effective and non-toxic alternative to many standard medications. There is no such thing as an overdose. We have seen very minimal problems with abuse or dependence, which at worst are equivalent to dependence on caffeine. While a substance may have some potential for misuse, in my opinion, that’s a poor excuse to deny its use and benefit to everyone else.” – Philip Denney, MD / Physician
“The evidence is overwhelming that Marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, Marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day.” – Joycelyn Elders, MD / Paediatrician, Public Health Administrator
“As a physician, I recommend nutritious hemp seeds and oil to anyone interested in maintaining a healthy diet. Everyone will benefit when American farmers can grow this amazing crop once again.” – Andrew Weil, M.D. / Physician, Neuropath, Writer, and Teacher of Holistic Medicine
Eliminating criminal penalties for personal drug use and possession is an essential feature of a public health response to drugs and drug misuse, and APHA calls on state and federal governments to remove such criminal penalties…Jurisdictions that have legalized medical Marijuana, decriminalized possession of Marijuana and/or other drugs, or tolerated limited, retail sales…have not experienced significant, if any, increases in Marijuana or other drug use.” – American Public Health Association
“In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential. CBD has been demonstrated as an effective treatment of epilepsy in several clinical trials, with one pure CBD product (Epidiolex) currently in Phase III trials. There is also preliminary evidence that CBD may be a useful treatment for a number of other medical conditions.” – World Health Organization (WHO)
“The American Nurses Association (ANA) recognizes that patients should have safe access to therapeutic Marijuana/cannabis. Cannabis or Marijuana has been used medicinally for centuries. It has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of symptoms and conditions.” – American Nurses Association
“Cannabis and cannabinoids may have benefits in treating the symptoms of cancer or the side effects of cancer therapies. … Cannabis has been shown to kill cancer cells in the laboratory.” – National Cancer Institute
“In recent years, a number of studies have shown the benefit of specific plant-based CBD product in treating specific groups of people with epilepsy who have not responded to traditional therapies.” Epilepsy Foundation
“Published cannabinoid research on presents compelling potential outcomes. When a regular and therapeutic dose of cannabidiol is administered, systematic reductions of inflammation occur. Beyond chronic pain and arthritis from sports injuries, inflammation is widely accepted as a primary precursor of major disorder groups, from diabetes, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis to brain, breast and prostate cancer.” – Dr Sunil Pai, M.D., founder of the Sanjevani Integrative Medicine Health Centre
“These data show for the first time that the Phyto-cannabinoids known as CBD, CBDV, and THCV can regulate skeletal muscle cell differentiation. In particular the Phyto-cannabinoids CBD and CBDV produced a statistically significant increase in myoblast differentiation’’ – Muscular Dystrophy Association, in a discussion of differentiation of myoblast cells, which is essential in the development and regeneration of muscle fibres
“My first 10 years as a professional scientist were mostly devoted to Cannabis, but after that most of my research was on other crops of more immediate priority to Canada. Nevertheless, one doesn’t lose interest in a plant as amazing as Cannabis, and my literature collection on it has accumulated to occupy several filing cabinets.” – Dr Ernest Small, Research Scientist
“I was fascinated that one could have such perceptual changes, and also that they went with a certain feeling of significance, an almost numinous feeling. I’m strongly atheist by disposition, but nonetheless when this happened, I couldn’t help thinking, ‘That must be what the hand of God is like.” – Oliver Sacks, Neurologist
“CBD is non-intoxicating and has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipsychotic properties. … It is known that cannabis strains, containing CBD levels equal or higher than THC, have positive effects on muscle spasticity and pain” – Thorsten Rudroff and Justin M. Honce, department of health and exercise science, Colorado State University/department of radiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine
“This approval serves as a reminder that advancing sound development programs that properly evaluate active ingredients contained in marijuana can lead to important medical therapies. … We’ll continue to support rigorous scientific research on the potential medical uses of marijuana-derived products and work with product developers who are interested in bringing patients safe and effective, high-quality products.” – Scott Gottlieb, FDA commissioner, in a June 2018 statement on FDA’s approval of Epidiolex to treat two rare forms of epilepsy: Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Draven syndrome
As stated earlier, the health benefits are certainly there, despite the fact that we still don’t know just how the hemp plant and its substances can emit these advantages. There’s no doubt that, as time goes on, we will get the answers to the questions that are on the lips of so many users and potential users alike, but until then, the words of the health professionals in the industry themselves cannot be ignored – after all, they do know best.