Wisp CBD


Who can take CBD?

Who can take CBD?

As more and more people have started to accept the positive effects of CBD, it is also imperative to understand when and who can take CBD and under what circumstances should it be avoided. In this blog, we will uncover whether or not CBD is suitable for you.

Is CBD suitable for people with allergies or intolerances?

While an allergic reaction to CBD is quite unusual and unheard of, in the rare case that there is some intolerance, it is often extremely mild and not dangerous. However, it is incredibly important to consult a healthcare professional in case there is some allergic reaction.

Can you take CBD while drinking alcohol?

The combination of alcohol and CBD is not usually recommended, however, there has been no conclusive evidence of any side effect that may be experienced in case the two are consumed together. Healthcare professionals normally suggest taking the two together in moderation and as prescribed.

There has also been some research early on that suggests that consuming the two together can in fact amplify the results of both and lead to a state of relaxation. However, there hasn’t been much research conducted so as to reach a conclusion.

However, generally the two aren’t prescribed together because there is no real advantage to it.

Can you take CBD with medication?

Healthcare professionals have time and again prescribed a dosage of CBD with another ongoing treatment or medication; thus, it is safe to conclude that one can take CBD with medication. The only thing to be kept in mind is to consult a healthcare professional beforehand and consume only what is prescribed.

Can vegans consume CBD?

CBD as a chemical compound is vegan. Moreover, the two most common CBD extraction methods (ethanol extraction and CO2 extraction) are vegan too. However, this does not mean that all CBD products are vegan. Thus, one must always check the ingredient list before taking it.

Can you take CBD and drive?

Since CBD is completely legal, there is no restriction on consuming it and driving. However, mild drowsiness is an after-effect of CBD which many people experience, thus, it falls upon the individual to access whether or not they should drive after taking CBD.

Can pregnant or breastfeeding women take CBD?

Since there is not enough research conducted in this area, healthcare professionals refrain from prescribing CBD to pregnant or breastfeeding women and as a cautionary measure advise against it. In fact, the UK Food Standards Authority (FSA) has also advised against the consumption of CBD to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

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